Monday, August 2, 2010

Look Ma, no hands!

If you think this road is a little on the narrow side you are right. In a wild moment a couple of years ago I grabbed a friend and took  my little Beetle for a spin on the cart path of our local golf course. Just had to do it, it was on my bucket list.


  1. I love New Beetles! My friend Mary has had a pretty citrus green hardtop one for 5-6 years now and she loves it! The convertibles really catch my eye though, in their vintage colors. Is yours Prairie Beige? I think that's what it was called in the '60s anyway, not sure what they call the new color. You look SO HAPPY!

    My bucket rusted through a long time ago so I don't have a list, lol. But making as much art as I can in whatever time is one of my big priorities.

  2. The color is called Harvest Moon. What Casey, no bucket list? Well you have time, at my ripe age of 72 I find it a wonderful excuse for getting away with nutty things.

  3. SO fun Annie! Looks like you are my kinda gal! I had always wanted a beetle and my best friend in high school got a brand new one..I, however, had a white corvair with teal interior... think I was a little jealous of her then, but what I'd give for that car, or even a picture of that car now! :)
    Casey, I have a 'rusty bucket' too I'm 57 I am trying to get over it and get to gettin' on the "fun" path (or even the eccentric you get older, I think you get away with more...or maybe we just don't care what people think!! :)
