Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Ringing out the old year with a new little one.

Meet Haleighana new kid on the block

Baby Hal and Mom Anna are doing well and made it in to this world in time to celebrate the ringing in of the new year. Haleighana weighed 7.04 pounds, height remains unknown as of this writing. Everyone is really excited.... now it is time to sleep!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

2009 Earth Odyssey - Happy New Year 2010

I don't know what it is about the end of a year – always bitter/sweet it seems. Sometimes the scales are tipped heavy with all the things I wished I had accomplished and didn't. I don't feel that way this year. On February 20, 2009 I wrote my first blog entry, since then there have been 161, this will make 162. My goal was to write a little something every day, on this I did fall short, but I learned that even the simplest of blogs, like mine, can take more time to do than one would imagine. I have received positive feedback from friends, family and unacquainted's and that makes me feel good. I hope my grandchildren will view this blog of mine sort of like a journal of my life, a gift to them. I don't know how often they read it but it would make me happy to know that they did stop by the artichoke stand every now and again.

In March of this year I began several volunteer endeavors, some taking more time than others, some more important, other of less importance. The main thing is that I am taking some of those uneventful retirement hours and putting them to good use in lending a helping hand where I can. Days filled with work gives one a sense of self-worth and being occupied helps to distract the mind from having to process those ever increasing aches and pain moments of aging.

For the most part I have completed the research for my book and I will begin the writing process in earnest with the commence of the new year. Discipline is the key factor. I will imagine myself off in the wilderness somewhere in a tiny little cabin, sitting in front of a manual typewriter and listening to the sounds of the words forming on the paper with each stroke of the keys. Someone should design a computer keyboard that would make those wonderful old typewriter sounds; I always loved the 'ding' when you neared the end of a line.

I became an avid Netflix viewer this year, so much so I rarely grace the inside of a movie theater anymore, but I must say 2009 looks like it will be ending on a high note with all the good movies that are now in theaters. I think I may sneak off and see Invictus before the year is out. I have the soundtrack and I really love the music.

Those of you who have made this blog journey with me this year, thank you for being there. To all I wish the very best in 2010, stay safe and don't forget all those who serve and are in harm's way, we owe them so much.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

T'was Getting Close to Christmas...

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care...

Rudolph was charging his nose to bright...

and that Jolly Fat Man was soon to take flight.

Merry Christmas to one and all!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Snow Awakening

I promised I would share The Giant's reaction to our first snowfall since he arrived here in Chesterfield. So I braved the cold and blustery air today to get a photo. Now I admit it's not much of a snowfall, just a dusting really, but it is our first of the winter season. I am keeping the good thought for a truly white Christmas in the next few days. We shall see...

The Season of Giving and Sharing

I received a very special early Christmas gift from my grandson, Oliver, you know the artist that lives out in California, a copy of his second book. That's right, his second book! While I struggle here to hopefully get my first book completed before I reach the ripe old age of 75.

It it such a great thing that these kids get to do in school, I wish every child had the same opportunities. I was thinking how neat it would be to share Oliver's book with all of you. So here is Oliver story, The Magical Forest, enjoy...

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Beethoven's Birthday - December 16, 1770

Ludwig Van Beethoven

One hundred and ninety years after Beethoven was born a couple of kids got married in Southern California. They always got a kick of out saying they were celebrating Beethoven's birth and not their wedding anniversary each year.

Their time together as a couple was short, unless you're a Hollywood couple - they weren't. But their friendship stayed strong until death delt the cards and separated them for once and all. Memories prevail and offspring flourish, life goes on and Beethoven's birth is still remembered.

Happy Beethoven's Birthday, Dick!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Happy Birthday Linda!

You must have been a beautiful baby

You must have been a wonderful child

When you were only starting to go to kindergarten

I bet you drove the little boys wild.

You must have been a beautiful baby

'Cause baby look at you now.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Scarlet Letter

There is a lot of adultery going on these days; you only have to turn on your television to see it. It can be in the form of characters in a storyline or real life celebrities. I think Mad Men would be a thirty minute show if all the adultery encounters were removed. But adultery doesn't seem to really be the "A" word like it was in the days of Nathaniel Hawthorne's writings.

Today, sexual unfaithfulness of a married person is softened up by use of such terms as "a minor indiscretion" or "wandering eye". And for real hard core adulterers we have the good Doctor Drew to the rescue, ready to treat and counsel the offender for his sexual addiction. We never seem to read about women suffering from this condition, I wonder why that is?

Times have changed, the world has changed, and we now live in a world where an indiscretion of any type is but a tweet away from everyone knowing about what is going on. More than one US President carried on affairs, known about, but not covered by the media. Times had changed by the time President Bill Clinton had his in the White House encounter.

If I don't care for the offender I can use the offense as fuel to fan the flames of my dislike. If I have a neutral position I usually let the incidence pass like water off a duck's back. But when the offender is someone I admire and who has become an icon for all that is admirable and good, I become very disappointed in this person.

Yes, adultery is a personal issue, deeply affecting the family involved, but somewhere fame and celebrity blurs the line between private and public and we end up involving ourselves in this private issue. I had the idea that maybe we should bring The Scarlet Letter back and force the adulterer to have to wear this letter. On second thought, there probably would be so many "A" letters worn it would become a fashion statement.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Musings from the Road

While tootling about town today I got to thinking about words that we should use more often:

  • Swell!
  • Big fat liar…
  • Groovy!
  • Neat!
  • Really neat!!
  • Cool.
  • Gee.
  • Golly.
  • Golly gee.
  • Later alligator.