Friday, September 30, 2011

A Newer Not-So-Gentler America?

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama steered the nation's war machine into uncharted territory Friday when a U.S. drone attacked a convoy in Yemen and killed two American citizens who had become central figures in al-Qaida.
It was believed to be the first instance in which a U.S. citizen was tracked and executed based on secret intelligence and the president's say-so. And it raised major questions about the limitations of presidential power.
~ ~ ~
We have to be careful, very careful when we resort to our "cowboy roots" to parcel out justice in this world. I know nothing really about Anwar al-Awlaki, he could be the worst person on earth but the United States should not toss out the fundamentals upon which this country was founded; the belief in the law and due process, as it wages its war on terrorism. This all encompassing labeling of terrorists is becoming an easy way to work around the justice system as we understand it.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Miss Wasilla says unchain me...

“Somebody like me – is a title and is a campaign too shackling?” said Palin. “Does that prohibit me from being out there, out of a box, not allowing handlers to shape me and to force my message to be what donors or what contributors or what political pundits want it to be? Does a title take away my freedom to call it like I see it and to affect positive change that we need in this country? That’s the biggest contemplation piece in my process.” ~ Sarah Palin - September 27, 2011, aka Miss Wasilla

OK, peeps, time to do Miss Wasilla a favor and let her go. They chains are heavy and more than she can bear. I mean once you've held the title of Miss Wasilla how could you possibly demean yourself with the title of Madam President? So stand back, take a deep breath and dab those falling tears... the woman has spoken, once again in a language not comprehendable anywhere in this universe.

Oh by the way Miss Wasilla is still accepting contributions to the "shackle-fund", if you are interested.

GIPSY.CZ Desperado

One musician has taken on the issue in a song called "Desperado."
According to Radoslav Banga of, "Desperado" is about how first impressions and quick judgements are often wrong.  In the video the desperado is accused of killing a man - a crime which he did not commit. In an interview with The Stream, Radoslav says the song presents an allegory to the situation of Roma in the Czech Republic. He added that he was often viewed as a criminal even though he pays rent, taxes, has a solid career and has never been involved in crime. Source: Roma Minority Struggle to Find a Place - Al Jazeera English

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Keeping An Eye on the Bottom-line - An American [Ameren] Tale

Utility Commission Filings  
Included below are certain Ameren regulatory filings. Those listed do not reflect all filings made by all Ameren companies. Ameren will periodically include a selected filing based on its judgment as to the relevance and importance of filed material.

Ameren is unable to predict the ultimate outcome of pending regulatory proceedings, the timing of the final decisions of the various agencies, or the impact on our results of operations, financial position or liquidity.

Select Filings with the Missouri Public Service Commission (MoPSC)
  • Ameren Missouri Electric Rate Case
    Case No. ER-2011-0028  
    Description: In a July 13, 2011 rate order, the MoPSC authorized a $172 million increase in annual electric rates for Ameren Missouri, effective in late July 2011.   
~ ~ ~
7/14/2011 - JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. -- MISSOURI NEWS HORIZON -- The Missouri Public Service Commission this week approved a roughly $172 million electric rate increase for Ameren Missouri, approximately $91 million less than what the company originally filed for last year.
The commission voted unanimously to allow the rate increase which Ameren says reflects the increase in costs to provide service. However, in its decision, the commission denied the utility company’s request to include any of the cost to rebuild the upper reservoir of the Taum Sauk in the rate increase. The hydroelectric power station suffered a catastrophic failure in 2005.
In Ameren’s original request for $263 million, the company cited costs associated with energy infrastructure investments, higher fuel costs and the installation of two new scrubbers at its Sioux Power Plant as major reasons for seeking a rate increase.
PSC officials estimate that typical residential customers will pay an average of $8 a month more on their electricity bills once the new rates take effect in August.
~ ~ ~
Funny, when you originally ask for $263 million and end up getting only $172 million rate increase it almost makes the customers seem like the winner............almost! A typical residential customer will pay on average about eight dollars more a month and Ameren INVESTORS will be able to hang on to their $2.00+ per share earnings. In 2009 per share earning was $2.79, in 2010 it was $2.75 and per share earnings for 2011 is estimated to be $2.38.

On August 12, 2011 Ameren announced:
Ameren Corporation Declares Quarterly Dividend, Payable September 30, 2011
Ameren Corporation declared a quarterly dividend on its common stock of 38.5 cents per share. The common share dividend is payable September 30, 2011, to shareholders of record on September 8, 2011.
As of this writing Ameren stock is trading for $30.68 per share. Let's see if I didn't have to pay the rate increase I could buy 3.1290 shares of Ameren stock, which based on current estimates would earn me $7.447 and if things really went well I might be entitled to get a $1.20 dividend to boot next year. All this whilst in the midst of a 'crappy' economy.

So you see folks, how good or how bad things really are depends a great deal on where you are standing at the time.

But beware fat cats, because if the unemployment rate continues to grow, more and more people won't be opening the front doors of their homes and flicking on the light switches. And bailing out Wall Street guys with their private jets won't seem important at all, because in the end what keeps American strong is the middle-class and no matter how hard to look, it is quickly becoming more and more invisible.

End of Tale - For Now

Reasons for/and Who Challanged the Books

In case you missed taking the extra link-clicks here is the list of reasons these books were banned or challenged and by whom: REASONS

Monday, September 26, 2011


Just in case you missed the President's speech - replayed here for your convience...

"A few years back, Dr. Lowery and I were together at Brown Chapel A.M.E. Church in Selma. (Applause.) We’ve got some Selma folks in the house. (Applause.) And Dr. Lowery stood up in the pulpit and told the congregation the story of Shadrach and Meshach and Abednego in the fiery furnace. You know the story — it’s about three young men bold enough to stand up for God, even if it meant being thrown in a furnace. And they survived because of their faith, and because God showed up in that furnace with them.
Now, Dr. Lowery said that those three young men were a little bit crazy. But there’s a difference, he said, between good crazy and bad crazy. (Applause.) Those boys, he said, were “good crazy.” At the time, I was running for president — it was early in the campaign. Nobody gave me much of a chance. He turned to me from the pulpit, and indicated that someone like me running for president — well, that was crazy. (Laughter.) But he supposed it was good crazy.
He was talking about faith, the belief in things not seen, the belief that if you persevere a better day lies ahead. And I suppose the reason I enjoy coming to the CBC — what this weekend is all about is, you and me, we’re all a little bit crazy, but hopefully a good kind of crazy. (Applause.) We’re a good kind of crazy because no matter how hard things get, we keep the faith; we keep fighting; we keep moving forward." ~  From President Obama's speech to the Congressional Black Caucus - September 2011

Source: Mollie September 25, 2011

Saturday, September 24, 2011


Best commercials on TV currently. Excuse me while I go buy some wonderful pistachios...

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Banned Books Week

Exercise Your Freedom - Read a Banned Book This Coming Week

"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind. Were an opinion a personal possession of no value except to the owner; if to be obstructed in the enjoyment of it were simply a private injury, it would make some difference whether the injury was inflicted only on a few persons or on many. But the peculiar evil of silencing the expression of an opinion is, that it is robbing the human race; posterity as well as the existing generation; those who dissent from the opinion, still more than those who hold it. If the opinion is right, they are deprived of the opportunity of exchanging error for truth: if wrong, they lose, what is almost as great a benefit, the clearer perception and livelier impression of truth, produced by its collision with error." — On Liberty, John Stuart Mill

I didn't really know there was a Banned Book Week until I read this morning's issue of the Chesterfield PATCH - it piqued my interest. The American Library Association has some interesting history on banned and challenged books over time, including a list of Frequently challenged books of the 21st century Run on over to their website and check it out along with lots of other interesting facts about the banning and challenging of books over time.

Here is a list of Radcliffe's Rival 100 Best Novels , forty-six books on that Best Novels list also made it to the list of Banned and/or Challenged Books

Here is just a sample from the top of the banned and/or challenged list, you may have heard or even read some of them:

1. The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald
2. The Catcher in the Rye, by J.D. Salinger
3. The Grapes of Wrath, by John Steinbeck
4. To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee
5. The Color Purple, by Alice Walker
6. Ulysses, by James Joyce
7. Beloved, by Toni Morrison
8. The Lord of the Flies, by William Golding
9. 1984, by George Orwell

Do something novel this next week - read a banned book.


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Circa 1970

From 1971 to 1978 I worked for a 'little' land development company in Orange County, California - The Irvine Company. It was a great company and a wonderful experience. They had a lot of confidence in me and I had a very nice career with them albeit short.

If you think I am a problem now, just know being a 'troublemaker' is an integral part of my personality. There was an occasion during my tenure that I needed to hire a new secretary. Of course the company had a personnel department that handled all this, but I knew this guy who was looking for a job. I asked him if 'he could type' and he said "yes" and hey, he had great legs. So I told him to check with personnel.

Well, really, what could they do? He filled out all the paperwork and was sent up to me for an 'interview'. I gave him a thumbs up but he never made it to the desk outside my office. I guess personnel didn't much care for my sense of humor, but you know what - we would have been breaking ground with his hiring. Just saying... 

From Mandated Vaccines to Radioactive Waste


Perry Donor's Radioactive Waste Site Deal Scrutinized

Listen to the Story All Things Considered

A large earth-mover carries PCB-contaminated soil from the Hudson River in New York to a burial pit at Waste Control Specialists near Andrews, Texas, in October 2009.
Betsy Blaney/AP
A large earth-mover carries PCB-contaminated soil from the Hudson River in New York to a burial pit at Waste Control Specialists near Andrews, Texas, in October 2009.

September 15, 2011
Presidential candidate Rick Perry's ties to campaign donors came under more scrutiny this week when he was challenged during Monday's Tea Party debate.

Perry defended taking a contribution from a drug company and then mandating use of the company's new vaccine. "I raised about $30 million, and if you're saying I can be bought for $5,000, I'm offended," he said.

Actually, the drug company, Merck, has given Perry $28,500 overall. But that's still pocket change compared with what Perry's truly big donors have given.

In his career as governor of Texas, a state where millionaires are plentiful and contribution limits are lax, Perry has raised about half his campaign cash from just 204 big donors, according to an analysis by the watchdog group Texans for Public Justice. And his administration has helped many of those donors, even when it comes to disposing of radioactive waste.
Dallas billionaire Harold Simmons, shown here in his office in 2007, has given Texas Gov. Rick Perry roughly $3 million over the past decade.
Tom Fox/Courtesy of Dallas Morning News
Dallas billionaire Harold Simmons, shown here in his office in 2007, has given Texas Gov. Rick Perry roughly $3 million over the past decade.

'The Wheels Have Been Greased'

Perry donor Harold Simmons, an 80-year-old billionaire, is a political player. He gave millions of dollars to Swift Boat Veterans for Truth in 2004, financing ads that knee-capped Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry.

For Perry, Simmons has anted up roughly $3 million worth of support over the past decade — some of the money going to Perry's campaign committee, other dollars going to the Republican Governors Association when Perry was fundraising for it.

Simmons also owns Waste Control Specialists LLC, working in the heavily regulated industry of radioactive waste disposal.

Craig McDonald, of Texans for Public Justice, says those two facts go together.

"There has been no secret that Harold Simmons' direct self-interest lies in building, permitting and operating his hazardous waste dump and low-level nuclear waste dump in West Texas," he says. "And the wheels have been greased at every turn."

An Environmental Review

In 2003, the Texas Legislature took the state-run radioactive waste program and made it a private monopoly for Waste Control Specialists. Simmons later bragged about the lobbying that accomplished that.

Waste Control Specialists owned the site in West Texas. But it needed an environmental review. A panel of eight state employees fended off corporate lobbyists and the Perry administration for four years to produce their report.

"We knew from the beginning that this permit was intended to be issued," says Glenn Lewis, who was on the panel.

And they understood why.

"The realization that Harold Simmons was a top campaign contributor to Gov. Perry," Lewis says.
Despite that, the panel said that radioactive waste should not be buried so close to big aquifers.

"I am frankly surprised even now that a team of engineers and geologists, knowing what the political expectations were, still worked up the nerve to say, 'No, it's not safe,' " Lewis says.

Getting A License

Next, Waste Control Specialists needed license approval from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. All three commissioners were Perry appointees. The commission chose to ignore the environmental review.

One of the commissioners, Larry Soward, says complaints were pouring in. He thought a public hearing was called for. The other two commissioners said no.

"They voted to issue the license without sending it to a hearing, and I voted against that," Soward says.

Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry's ties to campaign donors have come under more scrutiny since Monday night's debate in Tampa, where he defended taking a contribution from a drug company and then mandating use of the company's new vaccine.
 Win McNamee/Getty Images
Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry's ties to campaign donors have come under more scrutiny since Monday night's debate in Tampa, where he defended taking a contribution from a drug company and then mandating use of the company's new vaccine.

In the end, the commission gave the go-ahead to Waste Control Specialists. The commission's top staffer joined the company as a lobbyist. Lewis quit his job. Soward didn't seek another term on the commission.

Soward says he's still bothered by the lack of any public hearing.

"I think that generations to come are going to have a real problem from that site that they're going to have to deal with," he says.

A Nationwide Scale

Up to this point, Waste Control Specialists had been developing a small facility — one where Texas, one other state and the federal government could bury low-level radioactive waste.

But a corporate report lays out a vision unique in this country: "one-stop shopping" for the entire nation's hazardous, toxic and radioactive waste. It would cover more than 20 square miles.

At an oversight hearing last year, CEO Bill Lindquist said the business plan needs that nationwide scale.
"It's the Cadillac of facilities," Lindquist said, "which is wonderful for the state of Texas, but it's very expensive, and the cost to construct it and operate it and license it is a lot more than what was contemplated in 2003."

In January, the Texas Legislature said Waste Control Specialists can import radioactive waste from 34 additional states.

Perry's spokesman didn't respond to requests for comment.

Chuck McDonald, a spokesman for Waste Control Specialists, says the environmental concerns are exaggerated.

"That is the most geologically tested plot of land on planet Earth," he says.

Equally exaggerated, McDonald says, are the suggestions that Simmons' campaign money bought Perry's support.

"The criticism of the governor — it's all unfounded. The notion that we've somehow benefited is laughable," he says.

Simmons is now fostering Perry's White House ambitions. This summer he gave $100,000 to a group that rallied Perry supporters for Iowa's straw poll. (Perry did not compete in the poll; he ended up announcing his candidacy the same day in South Carolina.)

Back in 2006, Simmons told the Dallas Business Journal that one of the most influential things for business success is "the policy of the federal government."

Monday, September 19, 2011

Lessons to be Learned

The Boy Who Cried Wolf
A shepherd-boy, who watched a flock of sheep near a village, brought out the villagers three or four times by crying out, "Wolf! Wolf!" and when his neighbors came to help him, laughed at them for their pains. 
      The Wolf, however, did truly come at last. The Shepherd-boy, now really alarmed, shouted in an agony of terror: "Pray, do come and help me; the Wolf is killing the sheep"; but no one paid any heed to his cries, nor rendered any assistance. The Wolf, having no cause of fear, at his leisure lacerated or destroyed the whole flock. 
      There is no believing a liar, even when he speaks the truth. 

~ ~ ~ 
Ameren Missouri is kind of like the boy who cried "No Wolf". Every time there is an "incident" at the Callaway Nuclear plant you can hear the cry echoing over the valley, "No Wolf, No Wolf".

I wonder if Ameren is hoping that if they cry these words long enough, when the real wolf shows up no one will be listening. 

This past weekend an alert was activated at the Callaway Plant, a low-level alert triggered by a freon leak. Click here for the full story 
 "The alert did not impact plant personnel safety or pose a hazard to the public," Ameren said.
This is all well and good were it not for past actions at the Callaway Plant where incidences went unreported (1) or on other occasions where the NRC would down-play the severity in their reporting (2).

I'm not sure which is worse; a utility company who lies and enjoys screwing their customers over, or a governmental agency that has the backs of the companies instead of the backs of the public who it is supposed to be protecting.

(1) See Ex-worker Claims Callaway cover-Up by Alan Scher Zagier The Associated Press

(2) See A Pattern Emerges by Patrick Sweet, Investigation revels concerns with Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Callaway

2011 Emmy Awards Show - My Review

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Vanity Fair Not the New York Times

I subscribe to only one magazine, Vanity Fair, for the simple reason that I like its content mix. They can go from innocuous to wicked in the same issue. It provides me with enough celebrity fluff to get me through to the next issue and every now and again something will knock my socks off, well if I were wearing socks. A really well done, in-depth, journalist piece.The stories can come from Wall Street or from the Vatopaidi Monastery on the Aegean Sea in Greece.

A tiny little bit in this month's issue caught my eye that made me do a double take. This issue was featuring a twenty-five person list of The New Establishment 2011. The usuals, Steve Jobs at the 01 spot followed by Bernard Arnault, Michael Bloomberg, Rupert Murdoch.... you get the picture.

The Comcast, NBCUniversal duo of Brian Roberts and Steve Burke came in at spot number 05. But what caught my eye was this little bit at the end of the blurb:

REVOLVING DOOR: Just four months after the F.C.C. O.K.'d the Comcast-NBC deal, Comcast hired Meredith Baker, one of the commissioners who had voted in favor of the merger, as a lobbyist.

Wow, a month to go before Halloween and they are already handing out treats!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Are You Ready?


The NFL waist up pat down now has "enhanced" status and will be ankles up. I guess it really should be called a pat up instead of a pat down. And we should be really thrilled that it doesn't include the instruction to "bend over" as well.

Oh, I can hear you mumble out there, "There she goes again, why doesn't she just shut up." Well, I find this whole 'security intrusion' massively offensive and actually very UN-American. We have allowed ourselves to become a nation of sheep. Each day it grows from airplane security, to national monuments to our schools and sports venues. I don't think it has an end.

It won't surprise me one iota if I wake up one day in the near future and pat myself down before I enter my own home. Was that a "baa" I just heard?

All About Vitamin C

I love Google Doodles - this one reminded me of my California home in the late '50's. It would have been the view from my kitchen window, looking across acres of orange groves toward Mt. Baldy. In all fairness this would have been on a 'clear' day not a smoggy day, but I could always see the orange groves, they were my front and back yards.

But Google honors Albert Szent-Györgyi, who would have been 118 today, a Hungarian physiologist who discovered Vitamin C and the components and reactions of the citric acid cycle. He also won the 1937 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

October 1, 2011 and You Can Help


My great-grand pa said he and the boys would be there to show support. What about you? Check over this list and see if there is an event planned in your neck of the woods.

Let the powers that be know that 'we the people' would like a Nuclear-Free-Future.

Actions for a Nuclear-Free Future

October 22 – November 6, 2011
Diablo Canyon to Sogorea Te/Glen Cove, Vallejo, California

With Buddhist nun, Jun-san we plan a two-week interfaith peace walk from the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant near San Luis Obispo to the Bay Area. With the tragedy of Fukushima in our hearts, we will walk 15-18 miles a day looking into the safety of land and people along our route, the still-present danger of nuclear weapons, the poisonous nuclear fuel cycle and how to end the nuclear nightmare in California and worldwide. See for details.

October 1, 2011 CAN actions:

-- New York City --

More detailed information on NYC action:

Dr Helen Caldicott will be speaking at the New York Rally on October 1st. Please come and let's tell America it's time to end dependence on dangerous nuclear power. On to efficiency and renewables.  Join Dr Caldicott, Harvey Wasserman, Kevin Kamps, Brent Blackwelder, Karl Grossman, Alice Slater, John Hall and...? Further details to come.

C.A.N. Coalition Against Nukes (join the active discussion and planning on Facebook)

New York Rally
Saturday, October 1st, 11-4pm. Hudson River Park Pier 95 @ West 55th Street.
If organizations or groups would like to sponsor, or participate please contact us.

Priscilla Star  631-680-5163
Mali Lightfoot, Helen Caldicott Foundation   617-650-5048

-- Des Moines, Washington --

A Hand in Hand Human Chain, offering love and support, will be extended to the people of Japan on October 1, from the Des Moines Marina Fishing Pier, on the waterfront, at 22307 Dock Ave., Des Moines, WA. 98198.4690. We will also be calling for an end to Nuclear Power all over the world. This event will work to bring attention to the Hanford Nuclear Site on the Colombia River in Washington state with more information coming soon...

Event to begin at 10:00AM...
Contact: Deb Reed
--Michigan and Ohio Rallies--
Shut Down Davis Besse and Fermi 2! No Fermi 3!

Caravan departing from Detroit and Toledo at 10:00 am. Rally in Downtown Monroe, Michigan from 11:00 to 12:10. Rally will convene at the Statue of General Custer and march three blocks to the village square in downtown Monroe. 12:15 Caravan to Downtown, Toledo 1:00 - 3:00 rally in Promenade Park in Downtown Toledo. Rallies will include speakers, music and other surprises. Lunch will be available at the rally site in Toledo. A list of speakers, entertainment, etc. will be coming in the next few days. Anyone with vans or a bus please contact the group administrators for car pooling.

Joe De Mare  419-973-5841
Michael Leonardi 567-202-5327

-- Chicago, Illinois --

Friday, Sept. 30, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. -- a leafletting march and rally at several sites in the Chicago downtown area that will have nuclear connections, including Exelon HQ; we will be passing out "action card" with Atomic Fireballs attached (radioactive waste),
and invites to come to the Saturday event;
Sat. Oct. 1, 1-4 p.m. -- showing the film "Into Eternity," with a discussion afterwards.
Details to follow on the website.
David A. Kraft, Director
3411 W. Diversey #16
Chicago, IL 60647

-- Asbury Park, New Jersey -- 

On Saturday, October 1, join us on the boardwalk in Asbury Park, NJ, for a special event, beginning at 6 p.m.

The Congo Square North Drum Circle is dedicating this event to the resolution of the ongoing nuclear disaster in Fukushima, the healing of Japan, and the creation of a nuclear-free world.

You'll find the group from 6 - 10 p.m. on the boardwalk at 4th Avenue, just south of Convention Hall and the palm reader, Madam Marie's. Feel free to bring a drum, if you have one, and a lawn or beach chair--maybe a blanket, if it's chilly--and be prepared to have a great time.

For more information contact:
John Eustor of the Congo Square North Drum Circle at  or Eileen Mahood-Jose of C.A.N. (Coalition Against Nukes) at

-- Raleigh, NC --

Rally to eliminate Nuclear Power
Fayetteville Street Mall
in front of the fountain, 400 block.
11 am - 1 pm

Please join us as we have our voices heard to promote a nuclear free world. If you love walking in the forest, if you love swimming in the rivers and oceans we must protect our precious planet from this out-dated, pricey, dangerous technology. Contact: Haruka Oatis

-- California Events --

No Nukes Rally in San Clemente will be at S. El Camino Real, 100 bk of San Dimas over the crosswalk bridge, Oct 1, 2011. Contact Gene Stone @

Oct 1, 2011 Rally at 10 am, Ocean Beach, at the pier, San Diego. 11am & 2pm Ocean Beach, San Diego ---->TALK NUKES! will be sharing kamishibai paper theater and taking down stories for future editions. Contact talk Nukes through their website @
meet @ Abbott & Newport flagpole. 

Bay Area event coming soon contact Green Party Organizer Drew Johnson

-- Virginia --

Standing in solidarity with the Japanese people and for future generations...individuals,
families and students will peacefully unite outside the State Capitol (9th St. side walk) with one voice ~ call for the end of expensive, dangerous, toxic nuclear energy. ALSO, Virginia has had a 30 year ban on uranium mining and we'd like to keep it that way.
It is time for our nation to move toward safe clean sustainable energy.

National Day of Action for a Nuclear-Free US Oct. 1, 2011

We, the members of C.A.N. “Coalition Against Nukes," are organizing peaceful, synchronized anti-nuclear protest rallies in US Oct 1st as a National Day of Action appealing to all elected officials and political parties to help end the inhumane and environmentally destructive continuation of nuclear power usages. We are urging all concerned citizens in US and the world, leaders of environmental and/or anti-nuclear groups, leaders of peaceful socio-economic or political change to unite toward this goal.
Contact: Erica Gray

-- Pacific Green Party of Oregon Endorses C.A.N.-- 

On August 21, 2011, The Pacific Green Party of Oregon, by unanimous vote, endorsed the Coalition Against Nukes. The PGP State Coordinating Committee meets teleconference calls every two weeks, as members of SCC live through out the state of Oregon. The next step will be making calls to form a working committee to organize and attend CAN national day of protest October 1st, 2011. The citizens of Oregon have the Hanford Nuclear facility that contains and holds enormous amounts of radioactive waste that is leaking into Columbia River and surrounding areas. Recently, the DOE has suggested shipping more national toxic waste to the site before the existing nuclear waste has been safely contained and addressed. It is a concern for all in the state and region that know the issues surrounding Hanford. T. Oliver, SCC member of the Pacific Green Party of Oregon. Email:

-- Florida Actions --

Fort Lauderdale

UPDATE: Hey passionate Floridans against Nukes. The Fort Lauderdale Rally will take place at the Stranahan Park, corner of E. Broward Blvd and S. Andrews Ave. Right on the main thoroughfare of 'downtown'. We have the site reserved. This space may not be large enough. but can hold about 300 or so. If that's wishful thinking, then let's up our efforts!  Contact me for now, and as the team grows, there will be other organizers added. There are 3 nukes in FL so rallies in Tampa, Pt. St. Lucie, Jacksonville, Orlando, Miami, Tallahassee and Gainesville are invited. Curt Valmy  954-650-5049

St. Petersburg

Progress Energy
299 1st Ave North
St. Petersburg, Florida

PE is planning to build another nuke in Levy county which customers have to pre pay for! Could increase their bill by $50 month! Crystal River Plant has massive cracks in containment wall for spent nuclear fuel rods which contain at least 3 times more rods than Fukushima. Stop the madness. I need help spreading the word and getting media invited. Message me on fb and then we can talk on the phone! Time to start putting the plan in action! In the meantime sign this petition Christine Wall

Centennial Park Fort Myers Florida
No Nukes Drumming Circle
Hosted by Sierra Club Calusa Group
Saturday, October 1 · 6:00pm - 9:00pm
contact: Rhonda Roff