Saturday, August 27, 2011

Thinking of my buddies on the east coast - Be safe...


  1. I wondered how that song went. Thanks. And thanks for worrying about us tough Easterners. I just did my hurricane post. By the time it gets to NY, it should be tired. At least I hope so. Lower Manhattan is VERY low. Anytime I stood in Battery Park, the part of lower Manhattan that looks out on the water, I was amazed that the water level is just a tad lower than the ground. A flood in that area of the city would be devastating. I wish everyone well.

  2. It's times like these I always think back on my ancestors and wonder - 'how did they ever manage without CNN and TWC & all'.

    Re: Goodnight Irene - first song I learned on the ukelele when I was a little kid. The whole family would burst out in song when I played. Fun memory.

  3. The Weavers did a good version of the song. :)

    We'll be ok here in west central Jersey. Windy for maybe 20 hours and lots of rain, but we're ready for it. Hurricanes (Tropical Storms, too, which we may get and NY will get) usually only last for a few hours.

    Writewell, NYC evacuated the whole Battery Park/Battery area. Lots of flooding expected there.

    I'll just be glad when it's over. At least it's not a tornado! And we had our earthquake last week...LOL


  4. The Weavers -

    Pete Seeger -

    Eric Clapton -

    Johnny Cash -

    Vote for your favorite version. ;)

  5. Late entry:

    Willie Nelson -

    Maybe the question should be, "Who DIDN'T record 'Goodnight Irene'? Follow up by, "Who is THIS woman?"
