Wednesday, August 24, 2011

More Good News - New Belgium Brewing

New Belgium Brewing has a great little story to tell check out their website and get the full and direct story - it's the "little engine that could". The New Belgium Story

"Measuring your current state of consumption is usually the first step in lessening your environmental impact.  At the brewery, we use a lot of water (at least 90% of all beer), electricity (primarily to cool the beer for fermentation and maturation), and natural gas (to boil water and malt, extract its sugars, and turn it into fermentable wort).  Naturally, we use other resources, too—by weight, mostly malt and glass—but up until this spring of 2008, the only measurement that we were doing of material inputs was via the waste stream.  Since we have added the Life Cycle Assessment of a six-pack of Fat Tire to our library, we understand a great deal more about the impact of our inputs."  

It's another "I'll drink to that moment." Thank you New Belgium! 


  1. Annie, our youngest son went to the brewery in Fort Collins and was very impressed with it...he got quite a kick out of the people riding their bikes in, taking the "drinking" tour and refilling their jugs and then (a bit wobbly) riding off for home. Why did I think they were only located in Fort Collins??
    Very interesting...thanks for posting...

  2. I love companies like these - companies with a social conscience. Nice to see you and read things are going better.
