Wednesday, August 24, 2011

My new obsession

 Since I started all this I can't stop.

Every moment that I am not sleeping, eating or blogging, it seem I am knitting!

I can't stop - since May I have made a beret type knit hat, a baby blanket, and three cowl scarves. I am now three-quarters the way done on a long, pavement pattern scarf.

If I happen to disappear you can probably find me under a big pile of wool yarn.

I already have plans to knit up three surprise Christmas gifts. Keep the yarn coming Jimmy Bean's Wool shop... I'm not ready to call it quits yet. Seems there is no better way to cool off on a 90+ degree weather day then snuggled up with wool on your lap, listening to the clicking of knitting needles and dreaming of my first snow day.


  1. As you know, I crochet, or did, anyway. It's great fun. But I don't think summer is the best time for it. (And I didn't even use wool.) In the winter it's great, though. Do you use patterns or ad lib? My best work was an afghan that looked like the top of the Chrysler Building. I'd send a photo but I gave it away (and now hate the people I gave it to). I used to crochet on the subway. You get a lot of weird looks when you're a 6'5 guy crocheting in public.

  2. I never did learn to crochet, other than the chain stitch, I don't know how it escaped me, both my mother and grandmother crocheted. My next door neighbors taught me to knit and it just stuck.

    I do ad lib sometimes, but right now I am following patterns.

    I hate it when we put people in slots or for that matter when people put themselves in a slot, it's rather limiting isn't it?

  3. I want to go to Jimmy Bean's Wool Shop!!!!
