Thursday, January 13, 2011

Tuscon Remembrance

Remembering Christina Green
A Brother Left to Mourn

Mark Kelly Husband of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords
Being Comforted

The President and First Lady
Sharing America's Hurt

Casey's blog Moved says it better than I could ever find words to express. And to all the families of those that died and to those that are healing you are in my thoughts. May we rise to be a better nation in the wake of this tragedy.

Update: Here is a direct link to the Open Letter Mrs. Obama posted to parents on the White House site: First Lady's Open Letter to Parents


  1. you know the Obamas were thinking of their own young daughters, too. I think that might have been the most touching part of his speech. I feel so badly for Christina's brother.

    Annie, you're a baseball fan. Did you realize that Christina was Dallas Green's granddaughter? No wonder she wanted to be the Major League's first female player.

  2. Yes, I did hear that mentioned. Mrs. Obama wrote a nice letter to parents I will post a link.
