Sunday, January 9, 2011

Remembering My Family Living Room

Ted Nugent / DARE

Chuck Norris / HUCKABEE

George Clooney / DARFUR

Sean Penn / HAITI

No, these actors weren't close family friends that we had over to my house for family dinners on Sundays. But when I was a kid there were family members that thought actors had no place using their celebrity to discuss politics. It really incensed then. When I look back it probably had more to do with political leanings than celebrity.  Most of Hollywood in those days would have fallen in to the liberal category, not so much today I think. But looking back I don't think it was the celebrity factor that bothered them but rather the fact that they weren't all on the same political page.

I don't feel actors have any less of a right to express their political opinions than the average American does, in fact when they open their mouths they will always risk having to pay a price for it at the box office. Actors aren't less smart or more smart then say an accountant, plumber, teacher, waiter....But they are citizens, they vote, pay taxes and have opinions.

If I were fortunate enough to be a celebrity I can tell you this, I would most definitely use that advantage to bring attention to causes and beliefs I held near and dear to me. Perhaps you are lucky, you only have to put up with me here and not on the television set in your living room.


  1. That's a good point about the field of celebs being different back then. I never realized and you're probably right. Good catch. And of course they should stand up for whatever they want. (And a big Ugh to Ted Nugent!)

    By the way, I tried to vote for Casey but couldn't find ArtandColour's listing. There seem to be only five or six sites in that category, and A&C isn't one of them. What am I missing?

  2. WN, have to agree on the big ugh to Ted Nugent (makes it a double UGH! and an ewwwww!)
    Did you follow the badge on the left top of Annies page? Takes me to it...hope it works for you...he's up to 20 votes now hoping more will come in...

  3. The top one on the left should work. I put 'yellow man' up first before I figured out how to download the direct link. Maybe I should take 'yellow man' down but he is so cute. lol

    Probably not fair pitting Nugent against Clooney, double lol
