Monday, November 29, 2010

Delta Force - The Final Fly-Over

Mollie's view from the Cessna as she flew over the delta in the Kalahari Desert, Botswana

While Mollie is trying to adjust to jet-lag she emails me pictures and little tidbits from her trip. "There is so much to see in the bush", she says. She writes how different this trip to Botswana is from her trip four years ago to Tanzania and Kenya, there she said she saw thousands of animals on their migration. This trip is a driving trip and looking for scenarios. "Little families at work to be fed and safe."
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"We had a BBQ one night outside the camp. As we put things away and readied to go into the camp our headlights spotted a momma hyena and two pups waiting for any scrap that may have fallen. None can be left on purpose. We chased her for a while with a big spot light, she always staying between us and the babies.

Another time our driver/guide spotted something on my vest. He stopped, picked a leaf off a vine and gently removed a worm and placed it outside the Land Rover...and another one. Nothing is killed. A little frog, about the size of a quarter jumped in and again we stopped and removed the frog."

"We spotted a leopard by a water hole at sunset...he was asleep He couldn't have cared less about us. He got up, took some sips of water, rolled over on his back and went back to sleep. He had no fear of the Land Rover because it had never done him any harm."

"We also got close to a group of Cape Buffalo males, all in bad moods. One kept looking at us, the guide backed up a little. The buffalo took his horns, twisted them around a bush, gave a yank and up came the entire plant...message delivered...things aren't always peaceful."

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Stores and pictures courtesy of Mollie Kavanaugh, thanks again Mollie for sharing your adventure with us.



  2. I love the pictures and stories. Reminds me of when I was watching the Nat.Geo Wild channel the other day!(just happened to be about animals in Africa!) Molly is there!!! Waaaay better than T.V.! Thank you for sharing the adventure!
