Thursday, June 16, 2011

Turning A Blind Eye

I was actually going to post a nice and light bit about my Cubbies winning, but I'm putting that on the back burner to talk AGAIN about the Fukushima nuclear disaster. It is something I follow on an almost daily basis. It has become an obsession with me. Why?, you ask - because terrible things are being discovered each day and reported on in the news media BUT NOT here in the United States.

We get daily over-dosing about Weiner's wiener but NOTHING about that fact that in Japan in the aftermath of the 9.0 earthquake and destruction of the nuclear power plants in Fukushima there is a meltdown of global proportions occurring. For the latest in-depth story on this read Dahr Jamail article - It's much worse than you think.

He answers in part my question on why we are not getting this news here. Here is a little excerpt of explanation:
"Nuclear operator Exelon Corporation has been among Barack Obama's biggest campaign donors, and is one of the largest employers in Illinois where Obama was senator. Exelon has donated more than $269,000 to his political campaigns, thus far. Obama also appointed Exelon CEO John Rowe to his Blue Ribbon Commission on America's Nuclear Future."
You know there are just some things you can't turn a blind eye to - at least not and still have a clear conscience. Fukushima does not have a bubble over it that makes it a very local situation. Like it or not Fukushima is happening to you Los Angeles, Omaha, St. Louis, Ogden... and the sooner you realize that the better we will be for it.

On May 30th the German government announced that it will take the necessary steps to shut down all nuclear power plants by the year 2022, click here for The Guardian article of May 30 It would be my hope that the United States will follow this lead. If you believe as I do that nuclear power carries with it more harm than good, then join in this cause. It can start with you at your own local level. If you live in a state with nuclear power plants join the movement to see that these plants are shut down.

Talk to your local representatives, your senators, your congressmen and ask that they move toward seeing to it ALL nuclear power plants in the United States get shut down. Oh and take a minute and look up who contributes to your representatives campaign coffers. And be prepared, know that big money is on the side of keeping them. But remember for them it's a matter of PROFITS and for you it's a matter of LIFE OR DEATH.



  1. That Al Jazeera article was something else, Annie. Just wow.

  2. I know, ish. My file grows larger by the day. We simply must work to get these nuclear power plants shut down as soon as possible. It is Armageddon in our backyards. I can't believe the news here does not reports these new updates.

  3. I've been watching the news since that Jamail article came out and there's nothing like it being reported here. I don't know what will break the wall of silence other than a huge, terrible incident at an American nuclear plant. But they'll hide the truth then, too. This is a steep uphill battle. Still, we've got to keep telling people about it. Otherwise they'll never learn about the serious problems that come along with this "clean" power.
