Friday, June 10, 2011

A Tale of Two Sisters

A young Sarah Palin and a young Carrie Nation 
It really is amazing how much these two ladies have in common. I was listening to NPR today as I was driving - they were doing a little history on Carrie Nation when all of I sudden I thought OMG she sounds like Sarah Palin.

Both ladies feel they are working on carrying out a message from God - Carrie out to save the souls from the wicked evils of drink and Sarah saving the souls of the wicked left wing establishment. Carrie wielded a hatchet to bring her message home and Sarah likes to brandish an M-16.

Surprisingly both ladies wanted to copyright their names, imagine that!

If Carrie Nation had access to today's television media she would no doubt have had her own reality show as well, sadly all that was available to Carrie was to become an act in a traveling sideshow. But both ladies were excellent at collecting speaker's fees, marketing themselves and selling their image.

Carrie would burst into a bar, hatchet in hand and greet the bartender on duty with, "Good morning, destroyer of men's souls." If I close my eyes I can actually hear these exact same words being uttered by the lips of our dear Sarah.

I wonder if Carrie were alive today if she would have considered a run for the presidency, interesting thought.

Disclaimer Notice: In the spirit of today's current practices, none of the above should be considered a true and accurate depiction of history. It may be, but on the other hand it could be just how I perceive history. Just so you know, if you are considering using this as a reference for your term paper. 


  1. ok, It is funny what you will tell people in the "privacy" or "perceived anonymity" of the internet...when I was little, I was encouraged to have Carrie Nation as "woman I most admired" I kid you not! Now, please,don't bash on me..I was just a little kid!!! lol...
    I really had to laugh when I saw Carrie Nation and then the comparison to Sarah Palin (maybe it was a nervous giggle followed by a *blush*)
    love this post!

  2. Oh, Mare, I love you - that little vignette is so cute. The comparisons is quite funny, isn't it.
