Saturday, May 21, 2011

Two Tickets to Paradise

For all of you that are about to board the Judgement Day train...

See ya, guys - safe journey. Don't worry about your pets they will be in good hands with me.


  1. Funny. I just put up my rapture post too. I cannot imagine what it will be like today in the houses of the idiots who believed in this fairytale event.

  2. Well Annie, it's 5:15 here. If it matters I just woke up from, ahem, a rapturous nap with my cat and awoke to cool bright sunlight flowing into my bedroom window and the sounds of birds out back. There's no sign of impending earthquake, cyclones, or impending rain of fire. Optimistically I'm about to head into the city to attend a concert. Since I promised I would give you advance notice of anything heading your way, I think it's now pretty likely we'll be in touch tomorrow. If I'm wrong, been nice knowin' ya!

  3. 5:21 PM CDT - Looking AOK here. Enjoy the concert. CU Tomorrow
