Friday, May 13, 2011

Memo to Blogger

We don't like it when our normal world is turned upside down.


  1. Agreed. Where can I buy the T-shirt? Did you lose posts? I did.

  2. No I didn't, but only because I had not posted anything since Tuesday. I have a draft that I am working on but it is still there.

  3. GRRRRRRR!!!!!! And the worst thing of all of this is I've discovered I'm a blog addict! oh well...I'm better now that we have it back up...for now anyway!!
    Can anyone say "wordpress"

  4. I'm so relieved to have it back. I just read all the comments you left on my blog, Annie. It was like a breath of fresh air to have the blog and normal communication channels open again. And yes, mare, we are all blog addicts now. But I think I can live with this one addiction. It's kinda fun.
