Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Planned Parenthood - Things You Should Know

If you "think" you know what Planned Parenthood is all about, let me invite you to their website to learn what they are really about and the range of services they provide. Planned Parenthood provides health information and services such as: breast examinations, testing for STD's (sexually transmitted disease), information for teens and tools for parents and teachers. I am proud to be a supporter of this organization and if you learn the facts about the organization I think you will be too.

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Planned Parenthood Is Many Things to Many People -

For more than 90 years, Planned Parenthood has promoted a commonsense approach to women’s health and well-being, based on respect for each individual’s right to make informed, independent decisions about health, sex, and family planning.

Providing Trusted Community Health Care -

The heart of Planned Parenthood is in the local community - 84 unique, locally governed affiliates nationwide operate more than 800 health centers, which reflect the diverse needs of their communities.
These health centers provide a wide range of safe, reliable health care — and more than 90 percent is preventive, primary care, which helps prevent unintended pregnancies through contraception, reduce the spread of sexually transmitted infections through testing and treatment, and screen for cervical and other cancers. Caring physicians, nurse practitioners, and other staff take time to talk with clients, encouraging them to ask questions in an environment that millions have grown to trust.

Informing and Educating the Community

Planned Parenthood is a respected leader in educating Americans about reproductive and sexual  health. They deliver comprehensive and medically accurate information that empowers women, men, teens, and families to make informed choices and lead healthy lives. Planned Parenthood is proud of its vital role in providing young people with honest sexuality and relationship information in classrooms and online to help reduce our nation’s alarmingly high rates of teen pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections. 

Leading the Reproductive Health and Rights Movement

Planned Parenthood is a visible and passionate advocate for policies that enable Americans to access comprehensive reproductive and sexual health care, education, and information. 

Advancing Global Health

For many individuals around the world, access to vital reproductive and sexual health care and information is blocked — by poverty, a lack of basic services, or politics and war. Planned Parenthood works with local partners in Africa, Asia, and Latin America to overcome these barriers by increasing access to health care and education. Planned Parenthood nurtures local leadership, fosters sustainable health and education programs, and fights for legal, social, and political improvements in communities around the world.


  1. Annie, I have VERY strong feelings about the importance of Planned Parenthood's services and survival. This venue must remain open and funded to continue to provide that 90% of health care they provide. Vital health care. And abortions. Abortions are still legal (for now anyway) and we MUST have a safe place women can go for that service if that is what they choose. I know that Planned Parenthood provides pre-abortion counseling, so it's not any liberal bastion where women are lightly encouraged to go ahead with it. It is taken very seriously and good, unbiased information is given about a woman's choices. Without Planned Parenthood, I believe pregnancy rates would go up (often in the low income and disadvantaged areas) and those life-threatening, back-room abortions would prevail once again.

    The fact that the Republicans and Tea Partiers have attached a bill defunding Planned Parenthood to their proposed budget is mind-numbing to me. We absolutely must not let this happen!


  2. Thank you Katie, I appreciate your leaving a comment on this - I believe they are an important organization.
