Sunday, April 17, 2011

My Ah Ha Moment

Debuting the Fall of 2012

I tell you I had an "ah ha" moment this weekend, are you listening Simon Cowell? Let's change how we select our Presidents. I was thinking we could do a format similar to American Idol, let everyone who is interested in the job appear at really humiliating regional try outs.

Select the twenty best qualified [or most entertaining] candidates and then have them appear on a weekly reality television show where they can strut their stuff and woo us with their words. Each week America will vote someone off until we down to just three remaining contestants.

Then a BIG finale where the winner gets the job of President for four years and the runner-up gets to be the the Vice President. I mean think about it, all of America gets to vote; young, old, rich and poor. And the really neat thing is we can take political contributions and big business totally out of the mix.

Now here is the difficult part and that is coming up with the three judges. No we don't want Roberts, Thomas or Scalia, we don't need real judges, three A-listed celebrities will work just fine. My choices would be George Clooney, Matt Damon and Angelina Jolie - all certainly have demonstrated their love of country and exhibit keen humanitarian interest. But maybe you would prefer the likes of Reba McEntire, Kid Rock, Jon Voight or even Fred Thompson with his insider experience.

~  ~  ~


  1. Though you make this suggestion in jest, it's sensible. It's the kind of thing our current population could understand. I wonder what we'd end up with.

  2. LOL And we might end up with a Dem in one position and a R in the other! And all voting calls should be free. How would we keep the corporations from calling 1,000 times? So many details but I think this is worth consideration, Annie! Hee hee

    Could we later have one for Senators, too?

  3. All the little details will be worked out. If this new show is a success for sure we will have senatorial spin-offs.......
