Monday, April 18, 2011

OK, I'm Officially Pissed Off

First we had the Tea Baggers, until you can say National Healthcare, I won't say Tea Party. Now we have Trump stirring up the pot again. Let's be honest, why don't you just come out and say you can't stomach the idea that a black man actually was voted in as President of the United States. Cut out all this birth certificate crap. And for that matter stop putting down the State of Hawaii, you act like Hawaii is NOT part of the United States.

Every state in these United States has their own form of birth certificates, certificates of birth, certificate of live birth, etc. etc.....Obviously Barack Obama was a live birth or he wouldn't be here today let alone be the president

The longer this crap goes on the more insane the whole thing becomes. It isn't cute when the Palin-Bachmann's do it and it's down right insulting when Trump does it. Who is this man whose ego is so big he has to stick his damn name on everything he builds? I wonder if he requires his wives to get TRUMP tattoos as well?

So stop it right now. There is no doubt that President Obama is American born, end of discussion. Now if you take exception to a black man in the White House - say it, go ahead I dare you. Bet you haven't got the balls.


  1. is the truth Annie...very good..
    Trump is...wait..not gonna waste the said it very well.
    and how is your day going??

  2. One of my Canadian friends always lauds Trump for his charity work. I get so worked up I can't be reasonable, which is a very bad trait. But I need a way to tell her that he's only doing it for publicity. He doesn't care about any charities. For starters. You've described him very well, Annie. I so wish he'd just shut up -- for once.

    Don't blame you for being pissed. I am, too.


  3. Hi guys...........well now that I got that all off my chest, my day is fine. Don't you love having a place to vent? lol

  4. I LOVE having a place to vent! Makes it so we can BREATHE again! :)
    thank you my friend!
