One of the really great times for urbanized kids today is in the Fall when the school field trips are taken to local farms for a visit. Kids love to see things growing and to be able to harvest their own food for the table. I think it nurtures a certain sense of pride to be able to provide for the family that has its roots back in the caveman days when we were all hunters and gatherers. OK, perhaps I got a little dramatic with my use of words. Maybe they just love getting on the big yellow school bus that is taking them away from school to a magic land full of dirt and sunshine where they can just run free.
Whatever the real reason, this I know, my grandson had a ball on his class trip to Tanaka Farms and look at the harvest he set upon the table. Looks yummy doesn't it? I don't know about you but I am about ready to give up this here city life and head back to the farm… well maybe for a day or two.
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