Sunday, May 5, 2013

Day Fifteen - Alicante, Spain

Of course this California transplant goes to Alicante, Spain home of the most beautiful white-sand beaches along the Costa Blanca, and what does she do? Jumps on a tour bus and goes off to a winery in Novelda! This is southern region of Valencia.

But rest assured I was not disappointed. The weather was beautiful and the number of people was minimal. And even MORE important the wine was DELICIOUS.

I will post some more pictures during our next long at sea venture after we leave Barcelona and head for Egypt.

Heretat de Cesila vineyards

The Beautiful grounds at the Casa Sicilia

Nautical Miles traveled so far to Alicante is 5,225. We will depart for Barcelona in a little bit and will arrive there in the morning.

1 comment:

  1. Heck, you've seen beaches so why not go for the winery? Looks gorgeous. I can't believe Egypt is coming up soon on your itinerary. Pyramids! Amazing.
