Thursday, February 24, 2011

Yes, No - Maybe So...


Oh, and you can make it four and add Glenn Beck to the list as well.

They really have nothing of merit to say, yet they constantly open their months and get paid big bucks to do it to boot. Lately these three have decided (after reading memo to selves) that First Lady Michelle Obama is to be the "Target of The Month". Why? I dunno, because she is there I guess, certainly not because healthy eating and exercise is good for kids. Or because breastfeeding might have a positive effect on babies?

Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh and Michele Bachmann all open their fat mouths because they want attention and because people pay them lots of money. If I were King of The World, I would forbid Limbaugh to be on the air at all - if he wanted to say something he would have to carve it in stone in the caveman manner in which he behaves. I would ban Palin to the icy tundra to live out her days in an igloo - alone without Twitter or facebook. I'm not sure exactly what to do with Bachmann, maybe send her to Wonderland to pour tea for the Queen for the rest of her life.

OK, so now I have revealed my ugly side - my bad.


  1. Perhaps we could put Bachmann in a mirrored cell, so all she saw was her own reflection. Oh, wait.

  2. I agree all the way, Annie! I played a clip of Rush's attack on Michelle Obama this week and it made me wonder how he keeps his job. But, then, I think I already wondered that. They're all reprehensible. Ugh.

  3. I couldn't agree with you more Annie - all of these "people" should be banished to the dark side of the moon. And while we're at it, let's include Ann Coulter on that one way ride as well!

  4. Let's do it...then I finally will be able to sleep at night.
