Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Breaking "GOOD" News

A True Gentleman 

I heard this story today and just had to report on it because it is a wonderful example of character and gratitude.
This is Nicholas Rallo, one of our 6th graders who has been at CDS since he was a toddler. I'm told that as he leaves classes every day, Nicholas says "thank you" to his teachers. It's a gesture that I can tell means a lot to the dedicated professionals at our school. Bravo Nicko! You are a class act.

~ ~ ~ 

We all think our own kids are pretty great, but when you read something like this about one of 'your own' it makes you so very proud. Good job, Nicko - don't ever change. The world needs more people like you in it.


  1. Nicholas is obviously going to be the President of the United States at some point. There is no doubt about this.

  2. Something to be learned from this young man...something VERY important!!
    Thank you Annie!! :)

  3. Thanks for the nice comments. He is a special kid. I think 'thank you' must be his favorite word. I would love to live long enough to know what he ends up doing as an adult...

  4. I am Nick Rallo

  5. I am Nick's friend

  6. This kid is such a badass it's unbelievable
