Saturday, September 4, 2010

A Slight Nip is in the Air

I know, I know... it's not really FALL yet but we are getting there. The a/c is in the OFF position, the windows are all OPEN and my bare feet are COLD. For the past several months I didn't know what cold felt like if it wasn't freon induced.

Oh, by the way I took these photos on Election Day - November 2008. I thought it was a great day for America, others believe it was the beginning of the end. But we are still here; some richer, some poorer. Some sick, some healthy. Some loved, some not so much. A few honored and many not. But wait - richer, poorer, sickness, health, love, honor???? - sounds like wedding vows - and lasts about as long as well. 

Don't take it too seriously it was attempt to make a joke - and remember I could never make a living working at the Comedy Club.

1 comment:

  1. I think election day was a great day and I am happy and proud of what our president has been able to accomplish in the face of total opposition to everything he asks. I do think things are getting better, just a little. But I am a left-wing optimist. LOL
