Thursday, April 30, 2009

Life’s a Learning Curve

It's seems there is always something new to be learned in this old world. Don't you love it? One can never get bored really. Now I have discovered that I can write my blog using Word. Just get it the way I like it and then I hit the 'publish' key, sounds simple enough so we shall see. I just installed Word 2007 after using some version of Word for a zillion years. When I first encountered the latest version at my volunteer OPPORTUNITY I almost fainted. After I just passed myself off as some sort of mini-expert in all things computer I found myself staring at a computer screen and not having the faintest idea of where to begin. Well, maybe I knew where to begin but that was about it. But I managed to get the task completed that I was assigned but I sure didn't feel good about it.

I decided I would get up to speed on my home computer so I wouldn't feel like such a fool. Since then I have been taking the on-line course that Microsoft offers and I can honestly tell you that I love the new version so far. And I am enjoying the learning process too. Maybe we 'old folks' should continue to learn something new, then we would have less time to talk about all our aches and pains and all the medication we are taking, just a thought.

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