Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Electronic Age

I like to read, mostly fiction, and mostly just for entertainment. Much the same reason I watch movies. Every now and again I am required to read something more meaty and it always seems to go at a much slower pace. I blame this on all those required reading books back in my English lit. classes in high school. It did nothing to stir my interest in books. At some point however I did begin to like to read. I'm guessing this came some time after the children were all grown and I could sit down uninterrupted and engross myself in a good book. I remember reading The Godfather and actually reading in the market check out line or at a traffic light. It was a real page turner, which gets me to the point of today's blog. There is this new gadget out the Kindle, an electronic book that appears to be the next greatest thing since sliced bread. Now I haven't ever seen or used one but I won't let that stop me from having an opinion. I don't think I would like it, but I can seen the convenience of its slimline design that is easily tucked in a purse or briefcase. For me the joy of reading a book goes beyond just the words on a page. It is the tactile experience of my fingers poised on the corner of the page in anticipation of the words that lie ahead. It is the feel of paper under the touch of my fingers. There are other intrinsic joys of a good book. Those wonderful leather bound editions the age so wonderfully with time. And ever so often you get a book printed on this paper stock that is thicker than the norm and has like a torn edge quality to it. I love that. I already spend way too much time staring at a computer screen or television, so I am going to pass on the new electronic book concept and just revel in my plain old fashioned real page turning books.

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