Friday, April 3, 2009

Going Home Again - Temple City 1958 - 1959

You know you are old when you go back to find maps or photos of where you lived fifty years ago and all the caves have been cemented up or bulldozed to make room for a shopping center. This is the best I can come up with for this historic time in my life.
The property was located off of Temple City Boulevard at the back of the property. It was an unusual site. I think the property was own by the State of California and they ran an agricultural plot there, testing various plants and their growth. The facility was mostly housed in this large domed greenhouse. Included on the this site were three small houses that were rented out. The rental was totally cheap and you almost had to be on first-name terms with the pope to get a place there. We lucked out in that my best girlfriend has just moved in when they received news that her husband was transferred to San Diego. This dove-tailed with our new apartment owner wanting all families with children out asap. So in we moved. I wish I had a picture of this cute little box house. But imagine a square where you would go from room to room via a door in the wall. There were no halls, it was all close and compact. The front door opened into the living room, to the right was an area we curtained off as bedroom for little ones with those folding accordion doors. Straight ahead and across the room from the front door was a door leading to the bedroom, and once in that room a door leading to a small bathroom. There was a door off to the right of the living room that led to the kitchen and dining area. I even had room for a washer and dryer in there. The back door led to a nice grassy yard. My Dad went to Sears and picked a roll of fencing and installed it so I could let Susan play safely in the yard. I was small but it worked. In fact it would be perfect for me today. Truly affordable housing.

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