Friday, October 28, 2011

World Series - WTG St. Louis Cardinals

Can't believe it's over. Nice win CARDS!!!!!!


  1. Yes!!!!!! I am thrilled!! Congrats Cards and Cards fans! :)


  2. It was a great series. Oddly, all the errors made it more fun. I'm not sure if I'm more happy that the Cardinals won or that the Rangers lost. Take that, Nolan Ryan!

  3. Fun Series - had it all. How excited the CARDS have to be to make such a great run. I remember there at the end of the season playing my Cubbies, who could have changed this fairy tale ending. But 'could have' is a Cubbie mantra. lol

    Oh Nolan had a very sour face, didn't he? I still like Coach Washington, he's a straight up guy and would be fun to play for.

  4. You get the impression that the players all like Wash, too. I'm sure what you see is what you get, with him. A nice man.
