Monday, October 24, 2011

Will the United Nations report the truth on Gaddafi's Death?

This story just gets stranger and stranger.

Muammar Gaddafi's blood-streaked body has been put on display in a commercial freezer at a shopping centre.

Libyan authorities have been arguing about what to do with Gaddafi's remains and questions are deepening over official accounts of the dictator's death.

Al Jazeera reports:

Toppled Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi will be buried on Tuesday in a secret desert grave, a National Transitional Council official said, ending a wrangle over his rotting corpse.

"He will be buried tomorrow in a simple burial with sheikhs attending the burial. It will be an unknown location in the open desert," the official said, adding that the decomposition of the body had reached the point where the "corpse cannot last any longer".


  1. I can't believe some of things I've seen on video in the past few days. Just horrible.

    And there's this sort of sad article in the Times:

    Remind me never to be a dictator, especially one falling from power.

  2. Ish: note to self: "never become a dictator and if I decide to do NOT fall from power"
    I really should listen to news more, but I don't...we moved in june and gave away our tv (it was nice sized but HUGE AND HEAVY) It might be time to consider it again but things like this always make me rethink it.
    p.s. you remember in september I think it was when Hubby and I went to MN and had a picture taken with "the" Jolly Green Giant?? OK...that was offtrack, but you had me thinkin' :)

  3. Mare, I don't actually watch TV news but I do scour the web for it like what I watched was all via clips on the web.

    You seem like a very kind-hearted person...You're better off not looking for this stuff. It's like every horrible war/horror movie come to real technicolor life. I wish I felt that seeing this stuff would keep it from happening but that doesn't seem to be the way it works.

    Let me know where your dictatorship is, Mare, and I'll consider moving there.

  4. @Mare - I do remember your photo-op with the Jolly Green Giant. I think it's great you can do without TV. It really is a toss up between Internet and Television for me. It befuddles me if either is interrupted. However you can have my phone, that I can live without, along with my car a close second two things I do not need. But when the electricity goes out, I am always thankful for candle power and my books.

    I agree with Ish - Mare, you are better off not knowing anything about Gaddafi and his demise. It was disgusting.
