Wednesday, October 5, 2011

"Because she was hot"???!!!

 A couple of FAT guys with FAT wallets that are 'chimps' for a pretty face and a beauty pageant figure.

Can I deduce that a smart woman who values almost anything more than the almighty dollar would find both of these men disgusting?

While Roger Ailes comment is probably the most truthful thing he has said this year I find it obnoxious and disgusting and so ... so 70's -

Roger Ailes: I Hired Sarah Palin Because She Was 'Hot And Got Ratings' 

If you have the stomach for it you can read the full article on Huff Post Media Sarah Palin is Hot

Excuse me now, I feel the need to go and throw up.


  1. I always think it's weird when a colossally repulsive man calls a woman "hot". Ugh.

  2. I think you just coined a great term CRM ;)
