Thursday, October 13, 2011

Lenny Bruce - A Birthday Anniversary

My husband and I saw Lenny perform at a club in LA in the sixties - we got him.
“I rode with him in a taxi once, only for a mile and a half. 
Seemed like it took a couple of months”Bob Dylan


  1. I don't know how old you and your husband were when you saw Lenny, BUT, I have the picture of you two as a young couple playing in my two laughing and enjoying...the air of the time circling around the image.. :)

  2. We were pretty young - 22.......and we thought we were so old. lol

  3. He was before my time, I think. Sounds like he was a George Carlin-type guy, which says a lot. Carlin was my hero.

  4. I forget you are just a 'baby' Keith. I think he was even edgier than Carlin. For us he was blazing a trail of irreverence - as individuals hadn't learned how to protest yet, it would come soon, in the meantime we had Lenny to speak for us.
