Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Talk Amongst Yourselves

Going to spend a little time getting my tax returns done and out of my hair. Coffee pot is on, there is wine in the fridge and snacks on the counter, so you guys should be all right until I get back. Now on with it - talk amongst yourselves.................

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  1. chatting and chatting while you are gone...think we broke the wine out a bit early..that's ok isn't it???
    Good luck on the tax situation!

  2. Thankfully, my brother-in-law is a tax accountant. I just hand him stuff and that's it. Good luck, Annie. I do not envy you.

  3. Done except for the review (tomorrow) I shall now have a drink if you kids left me anything. lol I'm glad no one got into a fight in my absence.
