Monday, March 14, 2011

La Mer

La Mer avec Charles Trenet

La mer
Qu'on voit danser le long des golfes clairs
A des reflets d'argent
La mer
Des reflets changeants
Sous la pluie

La mer
Au ciel d'ete confond
Ses blancs moutons
Avec les anges si purs
La mer bergere d'azur

Pres des etangs
Ces grands roseaux mouilles
Ces oiseaux blancs
Et ces maisons rouillees

La mer
Les a berces
Le long des golfes clairs
Et d'une chanson d'amour
La mer
A berce mon coeur pour la vie 

~ ~ ~

During these past troubling days we are vividly aware of the powerful force of the sea - may we reflect of the peace that the sea also offers and hope that a calm and healing time comes soon to all the people of Japan. Our hearts grieve for you and we extend our hands in help. Give if you can American Red Cross for Japan Relief


  1. Water is such a heavy thing. That's what I keep thinking about, the idea of all that weight hitting people and buildings. What a sad time this is for everyone there. And what a raft of disasters they've suffered. After a tsunami, you'll often see fire. But to experience multiple nuclear disasters on top of this! What an insane worry it must be for these people.

  2. I know, I am (was) a swimmer and I always had the utmost respect for the power of the ocean. I am watching videos on TV right now and can't really wrap my mind around this, it is totally unbelievable. The earthquake, the Tsunami and now the reactors............
