Thursday, March 3, 2011

For Mollie

Easter Week Photo - c. 1954 or 1955

This photo is for Mollie, my oldest friend, she will get the meaning. Mollie is my friend from kindergarten days, we were what you say today, bff's. Followers of my blog will remember her African trip in November of last year and her wonderful contribution to my blog.

This week Mollie underwent brain surgery for the removal of a tumor on her pituitary gland. I just got a report that she is out of critical care and in a private room and chatting. So it sounds like things are going the way they should. Wishing you a speedy recovery, Mollie. Maybe we should make plans to go to Santa Anita later this year.


  1. Good news Annie! I have a friend that I met at 3 and we "clicked" a special bond...sending up a prayer for her speedy and complete recovery.

  2. Thanks Mare. I am guessing before the week is out Mollie will be viewing the blog. I call her my blog supervisor, she is always feeding me good stuff to blog about. Which reminds me that I promised her some more stuff from my mom's college scrapbook, which I need to get to doing.
