Thursday, January 21, 2010

Timing is Everything

It has been said, "Timing is everything." More true than not I think. A chef tending his roux knows about timing as does the baker, too much heat for too long will ruin a heap of hard work. They also talk about comedic timing; a stumble or trip timed just right can be hilarious. Jack Benny was the king of comedy in his use of timing in delivering a look or the punch line of his jokes.

Today I got to thinking about Conan O'Brien and his recent jokes (or are they) on running up the bill for his Tonight Show expenses, that along with his 30+ million dollar settlement with NBC. All this in the wake of the hellacious devastation in Haiti, was I thought – ill timed to say the least. I don't know about you, but all this comes across as a little unseemly as you flip the TV tuner from Entertainment News to CNN and see the piles of dead bodies and horror stricken children.

Pardon my candor Mr. O'Brien but I think it is time you grew up. Take your money, after donating a big chunk of it to those who are in such desperate need today and go away quietly into the night.

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