Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Positive Side of Winter

Winter's Beauty

Sometimes you have to stop and smell the roses, or in this case, stop and view the snow. Day before yesterday I glanced out my kitchen door and saw this beautiful snow design on the table on my deck. Wow, I thought, that is really beautiful, so I grabbed my camera.

I'm glad I did because it soon was gone. It's been really cold here in the St. Louis area, not a lot of snow, but what little we have isn't going anywhere if it stays in the teens. I just wanted to take a moment and focus on the postive side of winter, the beauty it can bring to our day - however fleeting.


  1. Beautful!Thank you for sharing.I have not posted in awhile but love reading your blog. I currently live close to the Rose Parade,end of the route where your family saw the floats and I so enjoy reading when you write of Southern Cal.Strange coincidence that most of the places you write about around here and Hawaii I have spent a lot of time at. It is fun!

  2. What a terrific picture! If you didn't tell us what it was I never would have figured it out. Snow is often a great thing to photograph.
