Saturday, January 23, 2010

Hope for Haiti Now

Did you happen to see the telethon that George Clooney organized for Haiti last night? It was star studded, but no names were dropped, the two hours were filled with top entertainers and their music, played low-keyed and respectful of the dire situation in Haiti. Even the chat with donor call-ins, which we were privy to eavesdrop on made one feel like you were listening to two people talk outside a PTA meeting.

At one point during Sting's performance I mentioned, "Gee, they aren't even putting up the names of the performers." My granddaughter was quick to respond, "It isn't about them."

How right she was, the night was about helping Haiti. And last night big unnamed stars became street performers on any corner USA with their hats upturned and their guitar cases opened, offering up their music in return for Hope for Haiti.

It's good we have people like George Clooney who can organize and get these telethons off the ground. He knows from past experiences that in addition to immediate aid that is required on the ground in Haiti at this very moment, it will take lots and lots of dollars and many, many months and years to rebuild the city.

Consider a donation today if you haven't done so yet. Small amounts when added up together become big amounts, so every little bit will help.

1 comment:

  1. I had the TV off last night! I have seen snippets of it here, online, and it looked like it was a very successful night considering it was put together so quickly!
