Wednesday, May 6, 2009


All of a sudden this retired world that I live in has gotten very busy. That's good, very good, but there is a list of undone items:
  • Two Netflix movies waiting to be viewed - Titanic and Unforgiven (I know, I know.)
  • Eight episodes of Charlie Rose on the DVR + one episode of Law & Order SVU
  • John Grisham's The Appeal (already renewed once)
  • Spring cleaning
  • Continued research on my book
  • Daily walks (though weather sometimes is a factor and valid excuse)
  • Planting my vegetable garden (wait, I live in a condo -- scratch that one.)
  • Sky Diving lessons (just checking to see if you were still with me.)

All of the above being trumped by the Stanley Cup Play-Off's, Dancing with the Stars, American Idol and Survivor. Have you noticed that everything except spring cleaning, gardening and walking involves a great deal of sitting?

Later then.


  1. Sitting is highly under-rated. I have it down to an artform :)

  2. I too live in a condo with just a balcony. Right now I have two recently hatched baby doves who have just left their nest and are doing you-know-what all over my bistro table and chairs. Do you think I could plant a tomato vine in the hanging basket when the birds have vacated. They will vacate, won't they?

  3. Probably not, but they love will love the tomato plant.
