Sunday, November 15, 2009

Unsolicited Email

I received this email today from an old high school buddy and thought I would share it with you along with my comments, of course.

Subject: Computer Tip of the Day


  1. Open a new file in your computer.
  2. Name it 'Barack Obama'.
  3. Send it to the Recycle Bin.
  4. Empty the Recycle Bin.
  5. Your PC will ask you, "Do you really want to get rid of 'Barack Obama'?
  6. Firmly click 'Yes'.
  7. Feel better?

GOOD! – Tomorrow we will do 'Nancy Pelosi'!

Now those of you reading this that are of the Republican flavor are probably laughing your heads off. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself, however, I'm a different political flavor and to me it isn't so funny. The thing I find odd is I get this type of stuff from friends on a regular basis. I'm not sure if they assume I'm the same flavor as they are and would enjoy the joke or if they think their jokes would sway me to change flavors or if they just want to annoy me. I do admit to getting annoyed, so one out of three ain't bad.

I don't remember ever getting jokes emailed to me about Bush, but I guess when you think about it there was never anything really funny about Bush. I have made a joke about Russ Limbaugh though, but I didn't email it to me friends I just put it on my blog.