It was a dark and stormy night as the freighter made its way through the choppy waters off the southern coast of Peloponnese. With any luck the Captain was sure he could make the port of Pireas in a couple of days, but the four passengers he had on board have been growing restless with each passing day. The two American ladies had been with him since his stop in Mallorca to off-load supplies; the other two, Italian ladies, boarded only recently at the stop in Naples.
Due to the extreme weather conditions the Captain had only been able to take one formal dinner with all of the ladies, and while nothing was said, he had the odd feeling that all four ladies knew one another. They seldom spoke to one another and if anything, they went out of their way to appear not the least bit interested in each other. He thought this most odd as usually he found his passengers the friendliest of people and quite prone to mingling on these treks. Hmm, he thought, perhaps it is the rough conditions that are causing them to seek solace alone.
He would reach the port of Heraklion by mid-morning and would over-night there while the exchange of goods was made and the ship was reloaded with supplies. The next stop was Santorini before heading on up to Pireas. A knock on the cabin door drew his attention away from the task at hand. It was one of the American's, Ms. Perryman, asking if it would be alright if they, all of the ladies, could take a ferry to Santorini and spend the night there, meeting up with his ship the next day. She mentioned that since the weather had calmed, they would like to get out and about, stretch their legs so to speak.
He thought this a bit odd due to their lack of interaction the last few days, but could see no problem with their plan and certainly he and the crew had plenty to do with their time in port before the next day's departure. He could not help noticing that all four ladies had a spring in their step as they walked down the ramp and over to the waiting ferry.
When the ladies arrived at Fira they quickly went to seek out their rooms in a nearby hotel. This being done the ladies went out together to browse the local shops. Reservations had been made for dinner at Koukoumavlos, where a table with a view had been reserved. At eight sharp, they were seated, once again at their favorite restaurant and on their favorite island. The wine, opened and poured, their glasses raised in a toast… "To Barbara, Happy Birthday, dear friend."
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