It has been said curiosity killed the cat, I don't know about that, but curiosity can certainly overwhelm the mind. I was sitting here watching Anderson Cooper on CNN, doing a story on medical marijuana and before I knew it one thing led to another. No, I didn't run out and get a quickie medical Rx and dash off to one of the local marijuana stores in California! But I did notice in the AC segment a label on one of the jars that read White Widow. Now never having heard of White Widow before I got curious and did a quick Google search.
My search informed me that White Widow was a Cannabis Cup winner! Cannabis Cup? What that heck is that, now I know about the Stanley Cup but Cannabis Cup was new to me. More Goggling led me to know why I had never heard of it, I am not a regular reader of High Times. In 1987 Steven Hager, editor of High Times, started this event in Amsterdam and it had been an annual event ever since. It is a five day event held every year over Thanksgiving. I didn't even know they celebrated Thanksgiving in the Netherlands. Well maybe the attendees are aware it's Thanksgiving, if you get my drift.
Sadly I found out about this a little too late to pass on the information in time for you can get Judge's tickets at an Early Bird Special of $199, the deadline was June 1st. Rats. Anyway just so you know, you don't get free samples with a Judge's ticket, you have to pay extra for the samples. And it wouldn't be fair to judge without sampling, right?
But I have digressed, back to curiosity. It has been said that 'a mind is a terrible thing to waste', I say a curious mind is never a waste.
Disclaimer: The sponsors of this blog in no way condone the use of illegal marijuana or support or defend the views of High Times Magazine.
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