Saturday, November 5, 2011

Motorcycle Diaries - "De Usuahia a la Quiaca"

 De Usuahia a la Quiaca - Instrumental by Gustavo Santaolalla

''De Usuahia a la Quiaca'', este es un melancólico instrumental hecho por Gustavo Santaolalla para la película ''Diarios de Motocicleta'' (Motorcycle Diaries), en la que se muestra el legendario viaje que alguna vez hicieran Ernesto Guevara (Che Guevara) y, su inseparable e incondicional amigo, Alberto Granado por Latinoamérica en una motocicleta llamada ''La Poderosa''. En su travesía, que no estuvo exenta de peligros, penurias, hambre y noches en donde durmieron a la intemperie, a el Che Guevara le fue creciendo un amor incuestionable por el continente latinoamericano. Ojo que el filme sólo muestra a Ernesto en su juventud cuando aún no se convertía en el revolucionario que sería más tarde.

Rough Translation: "Of Usuahia to the Quiaca",  is a melancholic instrumental done by Gustavo Santaolalla for the film Motorcycle Diaries, a film about the legendary trip that was made by Ernesto Guevara (Che Guevara) and his inseparable and unconditional friend, Alberto Grando on a motorcycle named The Poderosa. Their experience was one that was not free of dangers, shortages, or hunger and saw many nights where they slept outdoors. The experience left Che Guevara with a growing and an unquestionable love for the Latin American continent. The film shows Ernesto in his youth before he became the revolutionary he would later be know as.

This haunting music is played at the end of the movie as the credits begin to roll. Many believe that Che Guevara's future as a revolutionary was formed by the experiences and the people he met during this adventure with his friend. Che was in his twenties at the time and was a medical student from an upper middle-class Argentine family.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. I've never heard anything like that. It was so interesting. Thanks for posting it. It's beautiful.
