Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sunday Prayer Meeting - A Chilling Remembrance


  1. I saw this last week. Strange!

  2. Wow that is chilling. Certainly an odd idea for a pop song video. What a tragedy the People's Temple was. If you want a truly disturbing experience hunt down the tape of Jim Jones' last words. A tape recorder was left running for the last hour of the Guyana horror. Jim Jones is lying in a rambling sort of way, some women are questioning the poisoning of their children, and Jones's lieutenants are sounding calm and reassuring as they ladel out the Kool Aid. It will haunt you. It's somewhere on the internet.

  3. Ish, I remember hearing that tape, and it is haunting. It's amazing how soon events like this are forgotten by the general public. Odd idea for a pop song video but also VERY BRAVE given the current environment and tea party beliefs that are running rampant. Kool-Aid comes in many disguises.
