Tuesday, July 12, 2011

"Give Me The Money" - The Politics of Nuclear Energy in Missouri

Missouri Senator Jason Crowell
Speaks his mind

Why do I get the feeling this it's deja vu all over again? Not long after I moved to Missouri, way back in 1990, the subject of allowing gambling casinos on the rivers in Missouri came up. There was lots of money behind this effort, the story being told was this would be the financial cure-all for Missouri schools. A lot like the tobacco company settlement was going to finance healthcare for the state. It seems like when all is said and done the money seems to disappear. Strange?

Anyway the voters of Missouri turned down riverboat gambling in the voter's booth, but it kept coming back, like that relative you just can't seem to get rid of. Finally it passed and the old Riverboat Gambler got his foot in the door and eventually a seat at the dinner table.

Missouri like many other states has financial concerns, especially its schools, so I don't see that allowing gambling here has really solved these problems, so why are we always hood-winked into believing they would?

I get a lot of the same old feelings cropping up over the current issues on the nuclear power bill(s) here in Missouri - like it's a David versus Goliath battle. And not helping are the wily legislators who are so good at keeping certain things hidden from the public eye when they want to.

I see some of Missouri legislators like that crouched cat...just waiting.... then POUNCES just at the right moment when the off-guard little mouse scampers by.

Missourians keep your guard up, stay alert - don't get caught by the nasty old cat. We are the SHOW-ME state after-all and I bet you are a lot like me when it comes to this nuclear power issue. I bet you have some questions you would like to ask and have answered. Let's get this issue out in front of the public forum, let's talk about it, let's have them SHOW-US first before they vote anything into law. Are you with me? All those in favor raise your hands.

Mark your calendar for an up-coming event it should be interesting and informative:

 Responsible Public Debate – “Is nuclear energy worth the risks”.
What: Debate between Missouri Coalition for the Environment and Ameren on nuclear     energy risks.

Where: Ethical Society of St. Louis (www.ethicalstl.org)
              9001 Clayton Road, St. Louis MO 63124

When: September 6th, 2011 from 7-9PM.

Who: Sponsored by the St. Louis Ethical Society. Ed Smith will represent the side that nuclear power is not worth the risk. He is the No-CWIP Coordinator with MCE. Scott Bond will represent the side that nuclear power is worth the risk. He is the Ameren’s Manager for Nuclear Development.

Format: The first hour is a discussion between representatives from each organization. Each side will have 10 minutes to open the conversation, each person gets two rounds of 5 minutes for responses,and then each person gets a 2 minute closing. There will be a break and the second hour opens up for questions from the audience.

For more information, please contact Ed Smith at showmenocwip@gmail.com

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