Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Dangers of Radiation - One Woman's View

Nuclear activist, author and expert Dr. Helen Caldicott speaks frankly about the dangers of radiation and the Fukishima disaster at a Centre for Globalization Research press conference in Montreal, Canada on March 25, 2011. Caldicott co-founded and was President of the Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR) in the United States. Caldicott also supported the founding of IPPNW – International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War and founded the Women’s Action for Nuclear Disarmament (WAND). Receiving many awards for her work, including 19 honourary doctorates and the Gandhi Prize she was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by Nobel Peace Laureate Linus Pauling. Caldicott is also a recent laureate of the Nuclear-Free Future Award 2011. This 10 minute video is a production of www.GlobalResearchTV.com.

Worth a listen whether her opinion is yours makes no difference. Opinions run the gamut from those given by Dr. Helen Caldicott above, to those of Missouri State Representative, Jeanie Riddle, below. You can listen and decide for yourself. But one of these ladies lives in my state and has a vote on what happens...

Missouri State Representative Jeanie Riddle

  ~ ~ ~

Update: Radiation-Tainted Beef Spreads Through Japan's Markets -


  1. Oh Annie...you are SO on top of all the world's happenings, and here I am sitting in my little world trying to buy furniture~! I have to find a happy medium, don't you think?
    Miss hearing from you...thinking I am finally KIND OF settling in a bit...this gets REALLY old REALLY fast!

  2. Hey Mare - Hi. I breeze by your place often to see how things are going or what chair did you purchase last lol I know I don't comment much, but I do enjoy the free coffee.

    Guess we both have been really busy doing our thing. The good thing is this is July (isn't it?) and you will probably be all settled in and starting your holiday baking by November..........me, I will still be chasing windmills.

    Good to see you. Hugs back.....A.

  3. Wow. Helen Caldicott should become the emperor of the world. I love her eternally, after that. And so much of what she said is unknown to the world. It's amazing what a deep hole we've dug for ourselves. But at least someone is speaking rationally about it.

  4. Keith - yes, I love the way she 'talks' to the audience, no screaming or shouting, like a concerned friend in your living room. Her body language reveals a lot.
