Monday, January 10, 2011

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords - Her Own Words

Talks about backlash and the March 25, 2010 attack on her Tuscon office.

Reading the First Amendment in Congress January 6, 2011

~ ~ ~

Today, January 10, 2011 she fights for her life in a Tuscon Hospital

~ ~ ~

Last December 21, 2010 - I Tweeted this to Sarah Palin:

Annie Pick
@ Not sure what is scarier, Sarah or her followers...
I received this reply from one of her followers:
@ @ Not sure what is scarier, Sarah or her followers... //You should be scared-we are taking back this country.
21 Dec 
- 30 - 


  1. Annie, first a side note...thanks for all your hard work toward getting Casey's blog an award! Thanks for nominating him and it!

    As for the post above, that tweet scares the holy bejeebers out of me! How did you react when you got it?

    The interview with Ms. Giffords is amazing. Especially now. I commend you for finding it and posting it. I think you should push the viewing of it by linking your blog or that video on the rossblog, on Casey's blog and anywhere else you can. Would you mind if I linked to your blog at some of the places I post? (I don't know how to link to just the video, unless one must just find it on YouTube and link to that?) I would rather link to your blog but I post at some places that might generate riffraff you don't want at your blog. LOL
    Thanks for all you've done regarding this, and I think it's super that you tweeted what you did to Sarah Palin!


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. My first reaction was 'wing nuts'. Whoever this person is he/she is clearly off base, after I read his/her Tweets it became very clear.

    If you use this to link:

    It will bring up this specific post. Not to worry I still have a delete button that works. lol

    Thanks for the thank you on Casey. I really do think he has one of the best all around blogs going. It's always a treat to visit. And informative as well, I even enjoy the cars....

  4. It almost makes you wish one of the wingnut states would secede so that all the other wingnuts would move there. Then maybe we could fence the state up and ignore them. Maybe give them their own internet too, so they could talk to each other and we wouldn't have to hear them.

    They like to talk big, Annie, because they're so small. Not to worry.

  5. Thanks Annie!

    Hi Writenow! I, too, will try not to worry. :)

