Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Nelson Family - David Nelson RIP

The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet

David Nelson - October 24, 1936 - January 11, 2011
Last surviving member of the Nelson Family


  1. This is so sad...I hadn't heard yet...thank you Annie!
    Hope you are staying warm and enjoying the day ...have a great one..

  2. I'm about to go out and run some errands in the car. The snow has been very very light.

  3. He was so cute. And a big part of it was his conservative nature. It looked good on him. I can't believe he was that old!

    About a foot and a half of snow here. You lucked out.

  4. It's mind boggling how simple times seemed to be back in the Nelson Era - sweet innocence.

    When life gives you snow, build a snowman. lol

  5. and I just featured the Nelson family on that 1954 TV Guide at Christmas time. Hard to believe he was in his 70s. I picture people in my mind the way they were on TV way back when.

  6. I guess by the time I was a kid in the 1960s Ozzie & Harriet were reruns. But it's still weird to think of people who seemed to be eternally children to be, well, dying of old age. Ouch!

  7. ish, imagine what it's like to be less than two years younger than David, lol We don't live forever and damn I still have so much to do......
