Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day 2011

 Some of our Family's Famous Moms


  1. Oh Annie! How fun! This is a great way to "celebrate" Mother's day! Which one is you and is there one of your mom as a woman?? I have guesses, but wonder if I'm right!
    Have a wonderful have been blessed with a beautiful family.

  2. Top - Left to right: my youngest daughter, me, my mom, her mom.
    Middle - my dad's mom and my great grandmother
    Bottom - my son's wife, my oldest daughter, and my granddaughter

    Thanks Mare. What was your score?

  3. Well,I didn't do TOO badly, but not great either! I got your daughter top left, you & your mom. I thought the woman 2nd row on the left might have been your mother grown up as there was a great resemblance and I also thought there was another picture of you in the bottom middle! Of course, a granddaughter on the left. I would have guess a daughter on the 3rd row left if I HAD to guess, but really didn't know who she could be...isn't that funny??
    I'll have to remember to do this great fun.

  4. Holy Cow! Look at your page views FLY!! :)

  5. What great photos. Lotta smiles in your family.

    The picture of your grandma is amazing.

  6. Thanks everybody. My grandma (my dad's mom) left of the rose was the one I was so close to when I was growing up. My mom's mom, top far right, died a few years before I was born.

    If I could have one day I would love to go back and meet my great grandparents, the early pioneers. It would be fun to talk with them for even just one day. I think my great grandmother looks like she has some Indian blood in her. My dad mentioned this, but I don't remember who it was, just that we had some Indian blood.
