Thursday, January 16, 2014

Fukushima Now - At Least Someone Is Talking About It

"Solutions to prevent the leak have been thwarted by various obstacles. The stop-gap solution to contain the already contaminated water in storage tanks has caused numerous incidents on site, due to faulty containers and tanks being over filled." ~ Greenpeace: Fukushima Now

Read the full story from Greenpeace today - Fukushima Now: Problems, Solutions, and Concerns.


  1. That's freaky about the cesium in tuna. In every fish they tested! I stopped eating tuna after the gulf oil spill. It seemed to me the fish were permanently contaminated. I haven't eaten it once, since then. Little did I know Fukushima radioactivity was also a problem. Sheesh. And it's still unclear if they're lifting the spent fuel rods out. The last show I saw (on Al Jazeera) implied it hadn't started yet. Makes me really, really nervous!

  2. They have run into problems and as far as I know this Greenpeace article is the latest news. I'm not sure I would give babies and young children any sea products. I was wary in the beginning but decided I was too old for anything like a little cesium to kill me.

    Seriously I really wish we knew what was going on. The cone of silence over Fukushima needs to be lifted.

    1. " I was wary in the beginning but decided I was too old for anything like a little cesium to kill me." -- AA.

      When you're 103, you'll look back on today and realize you were still a young whippersnapper. Enjoy your youth today!
