Friday, February 25, 2011

Flat Stanley Visits Wings of Hope

My special visitor, Flat Stanley, capped off his week's visit with a stop at Wings of Hope today. It was nice to have him come along and give me a hand today. Everyone enjoyed having him come to visit. He returns to California tomorrow and rejoins his friends at Mariners School. Thanks for coming to visit Flat Stanley, you were a great little guest.


  1. And here I thought you always worked alone.

  2. I have been wondering this week who Flat Stanley was as I saw him "lurking" on the left sidebar...Glad he could lend you a hand...looks like a very productive fellow.

  3. I didn't know Flat Stanley or the story behind him until he arrived. Google him, he's there, he came on the scene in 1964. But people that knew him had no qualms coming up to me smiling and saying "You've got Flat Stanley, there". So funny.

    Oh course I had to make him that little hat and coat, it was way too cold to run around here in just a t-shirt, lol.

  4. SO..of course I googled...WHO KNEW???? :) Also love his jacket and are so creative!

  5. Oh thanks Mare, gosh I couldn't send the kid outside in this weather not property dressed. So Flat Stanley will go down on my famous visitor's list. He should be landing in California about now.
