Monday, November 1, 2010

November 2, 2010 - Remember to Vote!

There are places in this world where wars are being fought so people have the right to vote. Here in America we have the right to vote but every election a small percentage of Americans actually bother to go to the polls and exercise that right.

Oh I hear you, "I really can't stand either candidate" you say, others are heard muttering, "Politics, can it get any worse, all of THEM, it's terrible"! And you know what, I agree with you, but I will vote. I will vote on what the candidate says that he/she believes, not what they say about their opponents. And if it turns out that I don't like what I hear from any of the candidates on the ballot,  I am still going to vote.

There is a little box at the end of the list of candidates  that says Write-in___________________________. This is where I will write in: NONE OF THE ABOVE.

Staying home and not voting at all doesn't send as clear a message as actually going to the polls and letting it be known that you weren't impressed with any of the choices.  In my own state we have only one person running for State Representative for the 84th District, a Republican Don Gosen, no Democratic candidate filed for this job. So I guess Gosen is a shoe-in, unless of course NONE OF THE ABOVE wins.

Independent in mind, spirit and VOTE.

It's your tax dollars that pays their salaries, let them know what you think.
Staying home is not a solution - VOTE!

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