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'Big Baby' - Spitzer & Hubble Telescope - NASA |
When I was a kid one of my favorite summertime activities was to to look up at the night sky and imagine myself out there in space - just being one of those tiny specks in the universe. I thought that was so totally cool. And sometimes I thought there was someone looking at me and I was just this tiny, tiny speck. It's all relative as someone once said. I didn't mind being a speck then.
In our earthly environment we don't think of ourselves as specks though we are all basically within a few feet the same size; the biggest probably some NBA players and the smallest being, well you know the 'little' people. But not specks like dust particles that inhabit our tabletops.
I get frustrated from time to time with politics, politicians and yes, our political system. Good, bad or indifferent I think you have to admit things are spinning out of control. That good old document that begins... We the people... has lost some meaning. Yes, we the people vote and elect our representatives but we don't influence much control over them. The $5 or even the $500 we may contribute to a candidate doesn't buy us much power, the letters we write to our congressmen doesn't really mean too much. You need to look at where the money comes from to see who is running the show really.Click this link to see where the money comes from it's kind of interesting to see who really has the influence over OUR elected representative.
The next time there is an oil spill or legislation on health-care or anything really, check how your Congressman or Senator voted then check out who contributes the big bucks to his/her campaign. It might surprise you or maybe it won't. It's really has little to do with the political party and more to do with the dollar$. I don't really have an answer, but I bet if all of us little specks stuck together and made a BIG OLD BALL OF DUST someone would take notice when we rolled into Washington before those rascals could grab their dust busters.
Well one big thing changed everything for the little guy who wanted to make a difference. When the Supreme Court rules about 6 weeks ago that corporations could contribute unlimited funds to political campaigns (previously they had been banned from this) then everything too a turn, in my opinion, for the worse! Now big money dictates for what the candidates vote instead of what the people of their district want. It makes me cry!