This month my Mom would have celebrated her 113th birthday. She died forty-one years ago when she was seventy-two. I got to wondering how she would have interacted in this computer age we live in today. There is no doubt in my mind that she would have owned a computer if for nothing else than for shopping.
She loved to buy gadgets that she would see advertised on TV and I know she would have gone crazy for QVC. So it's easy to see her ordering all kinds of items on-line and eagerly awaiting UPS delivery.
I have a harder time seeing my Mom with a My Space account and soliciting friends from near and far. But I may be wrong. I only say this because she was such a private person, even to the extent that she really opposed answering the long-form questions from the US Census.
I remember saying, "Mom, you have to fill this out, it's the law." And her answer was always, "It's none of their business!" Fiery little rebel, that one.
It's funny because I often think back to my ancestors and try to imagine living in their time. Crossing the plains in a covered wagon would take a lot fortitude and belief in one's self. Expressing ourselves in the world today takes less fortitude and a whole lot of belief in others.
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